1. How to match white clothes and handbags
The color white is the most holy and I think it is also the best dress
color. The color is more suitable for matching with light colored handbag.
White casual wear matching with the light yellow handbag assembly casual looks
coordinated and tender; White clothes together with lavender can serve as a
successful combination, together with the pale pink handbag give people a soft
elegant feeling. White business suit is more appropriate to match with light
purple handbags or relative to purple handbags. It will cause pretty
good effect. Red and white combination looks bold, fashionable and
enthusiastic. in sharp contrast, the more of the white and the softer we feel.
2. How to match blue cloth and handbags
Blue clothing is easiest to match handbag of all kinds of colors, not
mattter the blue is closely to dark or deep blue, and blue will make you look
slim, so the blue color is a prime choice for you to show your stature. Blue
jacket matching with red handbag can make a person seem charming, pretty;
matching with a gray handbag is a kind of combination that looks slightly
conservative, but the overall looks more lively (strongly recommended with fine
lines of gray, can add great elegance); and matching with lavender handbag, I
feel more subtle; blue clothing matching with white is more general, if
intentionally or unintentionally added the purple ingredient, it will make you
looks more mature in city. The clothes of more deep color, especially the
business wear similar to the blue black, match with a restrained color handbag
to attending some formal place. It will make you looks decent, charming and
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